September 2016
Date | Title |
9/14/16 | PDQ Art & Family Night |
9/8/16 | Grady Grandparents' Breakfast |
August 2016
Date | Title |
8/11/16 | Open House & Tiger Tears |
June 2016
Date | Title |
6/10/16 | Ms. Doremus and Ms. Bird Class Party, Third Grade |
6/10/16 | Fifth Grade Banquet, 2016 |
6/6/16 | Grady's Math Bowl Teams |
May 2016
Date | Title |
5/24/16 | Spring Musical, A British Invasion, May 19, 2016 |
5/18/16 | Drum Group Visits Grady on May 16, 2016 |
5/9/16 | Fourth Grade Battle of the Books |
April 2016
Date | Title |
4/28/16 | Robotics Club 3-5 -- Battle of the Bots |