
It is important to complete the Dismissal Information Form. After submitting the form, any changes must be submitted to the teacher and office in writing. For safety reasons, we are unable to accept any dismissal changes over the phone. Anyone coming to pick up a child early must be the legal guardian of the student or listed on the emergency card. A valid photo ID is required when signing out a student. There are no sign-outs Mondays from 12:25-12:55 and Tuesday-Friday from 1:25-1:55. Early sign-out will be monitored and should be used only in an emergency. Please plan all appointments so that students can remain in school until 1:55 pm.

Car Riders must be picked up in the front car loop by staying in your car. There are no parking spaces in front of the school before and during dismissal, but we do offer a Park and Walk option located on the Northwest side of the school (S. Grady Ave by the baseball fields and tennis courts). Students needing car seats must use this option.

For safety, students should NEVER be dropped off in the bus loop or daycare van loop.

Drivers, please follow these rules:

  1. Remain in your car and display your child's name in large print on the front passenger window so your child can be called to the car. Name identification cards will be distributed with the first day packets.
  2. Drive your car all the way up to the pick-up point sign so there is one car per space
  3. Continue to move slowly and with caution
  4. Never park or leave your car unattended in the car loop
  5. Only students with walkers and wheelchairs will recieve a parking pass for the Back/South/Watrous parking lot. Please send in a letter to request a parking pass.

Park & Walk - students will be escorted by a school staff member to the Pavilion for dismissal. It is located on the Northwest side of school (S. Grady Ave by the baseball fields and tennis courts). Students needing car seats must use this option. 

Bus Riders & Daycare - students will be escorted to their buses/vans daily

***Please refer to Rainy Day Dismissal Procedures when inclement weather is evident.***