Walk to School Wednesdays
Walk-to-school Wednesday will be starting in November. We are asking for 2 types of volunteers to help check in the kids, hand out prizes, and tally totals for the day. The kids like to help hand out the giveaways :)
Lead volunteer: retrieve list of classes and giveaways from the front office first thing in the morning; return tallied lists and giveaways to front office
Check-in volunteer: checkin the kids (tallying) and hand out the giveaways.
Grady Elementary PTA: 11/6, 12/4, 1/15, 2/5: Walk to School Wednesdays Volunteers (signupgenius.com)
Great American Teach In
West Tampa Elementary
West Tampa Elementary is in need of some volunteers for their events this school year.
Please review the events and click on the button to sign up!
West Tampa Elem: West Tampa Elementary Volunteer Signup (signupgenius.com)