2021-2022 Student Calendar

Board Approved 4/28/20

Students’ First Day of School

August 10, 2021

Labor Day Holiday/Non-Student Day

September 6, 2021

End of 1st Grading Period

October 8, 2021

*Veterans Day/Non-Student Day

November 11, 2021

*Fall Break/Non-Student Days

November 22 26, 2021

Students Return to School

November 29, 2021

End of 2nd Grading Period (End of 1st Semester)

December 17, 2021

Winter Break/Non-Student Days

December 20, 2021 December 31, 2021

Non-Student Day

January 3, 2022

Students Return to School

January 4, 2022

Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday/Non-Student Day

January 17, 2022

Non-Student Day

February 18, 2022

Presidents’ Day/Non-Student Day

February 21, 2022

Non-Student Day

March 7, 2022

End of 3rd Grading Period

March 11, 2022

Spring Break/Non-Student Days

March 14 18, 2022

Non-Student Day

March 21, 2022

Students Return to School

March 22, 2022

Non-Student Day

April 15, 2022

Last Day of School/End of 4th Grading Period (End of 2nd Semester)

May 27, 2022

* Hurricane Day(s) if needed: November 11, 22-24, and 26, 2021

Student Early Release Days

Students are released one hour early every Monday.
On the last day of school, May 27, 2022, students are released 2.5 hours early.

Edited 6/21/21


Parents and families,

We know many students rely on our schools for access to nutritious breakfast and lunch throughout the academic year. The needs of our children do not go away once the school year ends.

That is why we are pleased to announce Hillsborough County Public Schools will be providing grab-and-go meals this summer at no cost to children 18 years of age and younger at 36 school sites.

Students will be provided with two days’ worth of breakfast and lunch every Monday and Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Distribution will begin on June 2nd and run through August 5th.

If a child is not present while picking up the meals, parents should be prepared to provide their child’s student number or their child’s name and birthdate for tracking purposes.

The summer grab-and-go sites are as listed below:

summer feeding

Students enrolled in face-to-face summer school programs will also be provided free breakfast and lunch each day.

We thank our student nutrition services staff for continuing to work diligently to feed our learners year-round.

Have a great summer!

Addison G. Davis

Superintendent of Schools

We will be collecting school supplies for our students in need for the 2021-22 school year. Our goal is to collect 35 bags. We have a list of commonly needed supplies below and also created an Amazon wishlist that will send supplies directly to the PTA: Grady PTA School Supply Drive Amazon Wishlist

School Supplies:

·         Pack of Dixon Ticonderoga # 2 pencils

·         Box of 8 pack Washable Markers

·         Plastic 3 prong pocket folders (blue, green, yellow, red)

·         Regular box of 24 crayons

·         Primary scissors

·         Wide ruled spiral notebook 1 subject

·         Pencil Pouch

·         Glue sticks

·         Erasers

·         Wide ruled notebook filler paper

·         Expo markers

·         Composition notebook

·         Backpack

Thank you for all of your support! Please contact jannine@gradytigers.org with any questions. 
Free Bike Helmet and Fitting Event at Grady Elementary

Did you know that wearing a properly fitted bicycle helmet reduces the risk of head, brain, and severe brain injury by up to 88%?

TO HELP KEEP STUDENTS SAFE, Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital will be hosting a Drive-Through Bicycle Safety event in partnership with Sidewalk Stompers to promote proper helmet use and provide students with FREE bike helmets. 

Attendees will receive bicycle safety information and a FREE bike helmet.  

*For safety purposes, all individuals attending these events are required to wear a face mask. 

*Student must be registered and present to receive a helmet. 


When: Thursday, May 13th from 3:30 - 5:30 pm
Where: Grady Elementary. Helmet fitting will take place in the car loop on Morrison Ave. 
What to bring: Your head. Also, your helmet if you already have one.
Who: Certified helmet fitters from Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital and Sidewalk Stompers, Inc.
How: Register here