One of the first events of the year is Tiger Trek!  This year it will be a little different as we are raising money as a school, meaning if we can raise $15,000 then every student and teacher will receive a Tiger Trek shirt!  Students who individually raise over $300 will be receiving a shirt in reverse colors to show their achievement.

Would you like your family or business represented on the back of the shirts?  Then sign up as a Family or Business Sponsor, Tiger Red (Bengal) or higher.  The deadline for having your name included as a sponsor on the back of the Tiger Trek shirt is September 11.  Please see the attached sponsorship form or visit for more information.


Sponsorship Levels

  • Leader of the Pack $10,000
  • Tiger Silver $5,000
  • Tiger Bronze $2,500
  • Tiger Red $1,000
  • Tiger Yellow $500
  • Tiger Green $250


Thank you for your support!

The Grady PTA

Dear Tiger Families,

I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on our return status to this point. Our student declaration of intent for Grady is as follows:
Response rate: 81%
Face to Face: 50%
eLearning: 28%
Virtual: 3%
No response: 19%
There is still time to submit your student declaration of intent. The intent can be found at If your child does not have a student number, please call the school and we will help you with your intent.
Due to the change in the start date for the 2020-2021 school year, Open House will be moved to a later date and held virtually. Student placements will also be sent out closer to the start of school. We will communicate the new Open House and student placement dates once they are established.
Thank you and stay safe!
Mike Campbell

First Day of School Pushed Back to August 24th

The School Board voted to approve the Superintendent’s recommendation that the first day of school for students be moved from August 10th until August 24th.

Teachers and staff will return to schools as planned on July 31st.

The School Board also approved a new student calendar to make up for missed classroom time due to pushing the school start day to August 24. You can find that revised calendar here.

The School Board also voted on a new bell schedule to ensure students have the required amount of time in their courses.

We have added dates to our school supply drive. Supplies can now be donated  on July 30th, August 6th, & August 13th from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm at Grady Elementary. 
To limit contact and keep our families safe, there will be a box on the sidewalk where you can drop any donations. Drive through the car loop on Morrison Ave and the box will be right under the overhang at our school entrance. 
Our goal is to create 150 kits to provide to our students in need so that they can successfully complete all of their assignments whether in person or via eLearning. We also want additional cleaning supplies to ensure that we can keep our school as clean and safe as possible. 


School uniforms in good condition can be donated for our annual uniform swap. Details about the uniform swap will be provided in early August.


School Kits:

  • Pack of Dixon Ticonderoga # 2 pencils

  • Box of 8 pack Washable Markers

  • Plastic 3 prong pocket folders (blue, green, yellow, red)

  • Regular box of 24 crayons

  • Scissors

  • Wide ruled spiral notebook 1 subject

  • College ruled spiral notebook 1 subject

  • Pencil Pouch

  • Glue sticks

  • Erasers


Health and Safety:

  • Sanitizing Wipes (wipes must not contain bleach)
  • Hand Sanitizer (any brand)
  • Lysol disinfectant spray
  • Liquid hand soap
  • Face Masks (reusable or disposable)


Science Kits:

There is a wish list on amazon of items requested to make individual science kits

Due to Covid-19, our needs have significantly increased this year because there are more families having a hard time buying school supplies, larger quantities of items are needed to avoid students sharing supplies, more cleaning items are requested to supplement what the district is providing, and less funds are available from School Kit sales to purchase missing items. 


Thank you for supporting our school and students! We need your help more than ever during these unprecedented times. 

Please click on the links below for the 2020-2021 School Supply lists. If there are any changes due to coronavirus, we will share them.

For familes in need, the PTA is hosting a drive to provide basic school supplies. More information and who to contact is coming soon.

We can’t believe that the school year has already wrapped up. Thanks to all of our amazing teachers, staff, students and families that helped make this a wonderful year at Grady Elementary and did an incredible job transitioning to eLearning! Congratulations to all of our fifth graders and best of luck in middle school!

Don't forget to order your school supply box filled with the exact items requested by your child's teacher. Buy your school supplies early and avoid crowded stores and long waits for shipping this summer. Order online at and enter account number 36155. Place your order by June 5, 2020.  

Thank you to Grady’s 2019-20 Business and Family Tiger Partners.  Grady PTA recognizes and gratefully appreciates each of the following Family and Business Tiger Partners:

Tiger Business Partners

Family Sponsors: 

  • Leader of the Pack level partner: Drs. Siviero & Heather Agazzi
  • Tiger Bronze partners: Melanie Edwards Fowler; The Gibbs Family; The House Family; and The Zysk Family
  • Red (Bengal) level partners: Angi Comas; The Christopher Family; The Du Family; The Fitzgerald Family; The Gomez Family; The Jacobs Family - Jennifer, Jeremy, Welles & Briggs; The Ledford Family; The Lueckeman Family; The Roush Family; and The Schentrup Family
  • Yellow (Cougar) level partners: John Paul and Rosemarie Getting; The Neward Family; Khue and NamSon Nguyen Family; and Ken Vu
  • Green (Cub) level partner: The Knittle Family

Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors and everyone who donated to our fundraisers, particularly Tiger Trek and our online Auction, we raised the funds to build our track in just one year!! We are very excited to start construction of our track at school!

A sincere thank you to all of our PTA Board Members and all of the volunteers that participated during the 2019-20 school year! We are extremely appreciative of your time and support!

Congratulations to our 2020-21 Executive Board! 

President - Norma Maiz
VP of Membership - Rachel Zysk
VP of Communication - Ivelise Revett
VP of Sponsorship - Kate Nelson
VP of Fundraising/Ways and Means - Kat Cowley
VP of Events - Jahaira Quintana
VP of Volunteer Relations - Brad Smith
VP of Special Projects - Jannine Neward
VP of Finance - Clarissa Medeiros
Treasurer - Heather Moniz
Secretary - Margarita Rivas
Corresponding Secretary - Kate Beauregard
We hope that you all have a safe, happy summer.

Below please find the schedule for the online End of Year Awards. Please note that the awards are by invitation only. Teachers will be reaching out to families to let them know if their child will receive an award. They will also be providing the Zoom link and password.

Please contact the fifth grade teachers with any questions regarding the fifth grade car line clap out. 


Tuesday, May 26
9:00 Brinson/Minardi
10:00 Kindergarten
11:00 1st Grade
12:00 2nd Grade

Wednesday, May 27
9:00 3rd Grade
10:00 4th Grade
11:00 5th Grade


Thursday, May 28
9:00 - 9:30 am - Fifth Grade Car Line Clap Out


Friday, May 29
9:00 - 2:00 pm - Student return of devices

Friday, May 22 – Grady will be collecting and returning student materials according to the schedule below. Families should drive through the front parking lot and remain in their cars. An employee will ask for the child’s name (if you have a car hang tag, please display) and will bring your child’s materials to the car. Families should return any library books, teacher books, or textbooks they may have at home. Laptops will NOT be collected at this time. Students with siblings will be able to pick up every child’s materials during the youngest child’s time. 

  • PreK and K:    9:00 – 9:45am

  • 1st Grade:     10:00 – 10:45am

  • 2nd Grade:     11:00 – 11:45am

  • 3rd Grade:     12:00 – 12:45pm

  • 4th Grade:    1:00 – 1:45pm

  • 5th Grade:    2:00 – 2:45pm

Welcome New Grady Tiger Families!

Below are the registration documents needed for the 2020-2021 school year. Please read the registration letter that applies to your family and follow the directions given. If you are unable to print or provide the files electronically, you may come to the school for a paper registration packet. Please call Grady Elementary at 813-872-5325 to set up a time to pick up the registration packet.  Once your packet is complete, contact Heather Tanski, our Data Processor, to set up a time to register your child. Contact info is provided below.

Email: [email protected]

Fax number: 813-356-1476

Phone number: 813-872-5325


To get a Student ID Number for registration, please fill out the form at the link below:

Student Declaration Of Intent


Registration Documents:

Registration In-County Letter

Registration Kindergarten and Out-of-County Letter


Residency Form

Release of Records