El Departamento de Educación de Florida acaba de proporcionar la directiva para que todos los distritos escolares de Florida cierren las escuelas durante las próximas dos semanas debido a las preocupaciones sobre el coronavirus.
Mientras que estamos actualmente en las vacaciones de primavera (Spring Break) para la semana del 16 al 20 de marzo, esto significa que extenderemos nuestro cierre hasta el 27 de marzo. Nuestro plan de acción es reabrir las escuelas a partir del lunes 30 de marzo.
Para cumplir con la directiva del Departamento de Educación, los siguientes hechos entrarán en vigencia de inmediato:
- Todas las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Hillsborough estarán cerradas, incluyendo las escuelas tradicionales y las chárter, durante las próximas dos semanas;
- TODAS las actividades extracurriculares se cancelarán durante este período de tiempo;
- Durante la semana del 23 de marzo, todos los estudiantes tendrán acceso a actividades educativas a través de nuestro Plan de contingencia de educación en linea (eLearning) para garantizar instrucción educativa;
- Durante las próximas dos semanas, todas las escuelas recibirán una limpieza profunda para garantizar un ambiente seguro
- Además, el estado retrasará el inicio de todas las pruebas de FSA y EOC por al menos dos semanas.
Además, el estado retrasará el inicio de todas las pruebas de FSA y EOC por al menos dos semanas.
Como saben, la salud y la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, personal y miembros de la comunidad son nuestra principal prioridad. En los próximos días, continuaré proporcionando actualizaciones para asegurarme de que todos estén informados de todos los próximos pasos.
Aprecio su comprensión y compromiso con nuestros estudiantes y espero que cada uno de ustedes tenga unas vacaciones de primavera (Spring Break) relajantes.
Addison Davis
Superintendent of Schools
Here are some preventative steps you can take to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like COVID-19 according to the CDC:
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
• Stay home when you are sick.
What can you do to help Grady?
Coronavirus Preparation Update – March 3, 2020
We know you have questions about coronavirus/COVID-19 and how it may affect our schools and community. Our school district has been in constant contact with the experts at the Florida Department of Health.
Coronavirus is spread just like the flu, through droplets from sneezing or coughing. It can lead to a respiratory illness (an illness that affects breathing and involves the lungs) called COVID-19. If you have specific questions about you or your family’s health, contact your health care provider.
Current situation
1) We are operating our schools as usual, with normal hours. We are taking proactive steps for the health and well-being of our students and staff—frequently cleaning our classrooms and common areas. We are also installing more hand sanitizer dispensers in our schools. At this time, based on guidance from the Florida Department of Health, there is no reason to be scared—just be smart about prevention.
2) It is important to talk with your family about using good hygiene—this stops the spread of most illnesses. Follow the prevention steps here, especially:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds
- Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth without washing your hands first
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow or sleeve—not your hand
3) Stay home if you are sick. This helps stop the spread of any illness, including a cold or flu, and lets you rest and recover. If you have the symptoms of COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus—fever, cough and shortness of breath—call your regular doctor and don’t go to school or work.
Absences due to illness
We always encourage our parents to keep their children home if they are sick. If a student stays home from school due to illness, and the student’s parent or guardian reports the reason for the absence to the school, the absence is excused under our district’s Attendance Policy.
For excused absences, students can make up the work they missed and can work with their teachers for missed assignments and tests.
We are working with our teachers to ensure teachers who use Edsby are posting assignments there whenever possible and all teachers are making arrangements for make-up work.
Spring Break and travel
With Spring Break coming, you may be asking yourself—should I travel? The CDC’s Coronavirus Information for Travelers webpage has the latest information. This is important: There are specific areas around the world and in the U.S. with high numbers of coronavirus cases. If you travel to a place where coronavirus transmission is happening and then you develop symptoms, you will be isolated by the Florida Department of Health for at least two weeks and you will put your family, friends and others at risk.
Hand sanitizer in schools and buses
We have ordered hand sanitizer dispensers to install on school buses and at the main entrances and cafeterias of all district-operated schools. We will be installing them as we receive them over the coming days. We are also looking to purchase disinfecting wipes that teachers can use as needed in their classroom. Because of the large numbers involved—235 schools with 12,000 classrooms—we have to find suppliers who have the large quantities we need and then have them shipped here, so this may take time.
We will continue to share regular updates via email and on our district website at HillsboroughSchools.org
South Tampa Basketball Camp
Summer Registration Info.
Where: Held at Grady Elementary School - 3910 W. Morrison Ave. Tampa 33629
When: Week 1: June 8th-11th
Week 2: June 15th-18th
Week 3: June 22nd-25th
Times: Monday-Thursday 8:30-12:00 (V.I.P Child Care is available to pickup at Grady at Noon and take to daycare if needed.) Please call Coach Harris for details.
Grades: 1st-10th Boys & Girls
Coaches: All Certified Teachers/Coaches in Hillsborough County with many years of experience.
Pricing: One week purchase=$115
Two week purchase=$110 (per week)
Three week purchase=$105 (per week)
Military Discount: -$10 off total purchase.
Please visit us at www.southtampabasketball.com for details, forms to fill out, and address to send forms and payment or call Coach Harris at (813) 928-4673.
Registration is now open for our 2020 Grady Summer Art Camps. Please visit www.gradyartcamp.com to get more details. Space is limited as we fill up each year. Our themed art camps focus on the exploration of art material through hands-on guided learning, interactive art play and skill development. Our summer art camps are a place where children feel comfortable expressing their creativity while meeting like-minded kids. You can also call 813-544-5140 to get camp information.
(3) Camp Week Dates:
June 8 - June 11th, June 15 -18th, June 22 -25th
Camp Times: 8am -12pm or 12:30pm -4:30pm (Both half and full day camps available: Sign up for both the morning and afternoon sessions to have your child participate as a full day camper)
Camp Price: $129 per camper per session. $25 non refundable deposit to hold spot
Camper Ages: Pre K-5th grade (Current 2019-2020 school year)
Camp Location: Grady Elementary, 3910 W Morrison Ave, Tampa, FL 33629
Number of Campers: Only 20 campers per class (Camp will feature 2 different classrooms)
Please visit www.gradyartcamp.com to get registered with only a $25 camp deposit.
You can also call 813-544-5140 to get camp information. Space is limited as we fill up each year.