We would like for feedback. Please complete the School Of Excellence Survey by May 14th.

(Nos gustaría recibir comentarios. Por favor complete la Encuesta de Escuela de Excelencia antes del 14 de mayo.)


English version



Spanish version (versión en Español)



Brick and mortar students take home letter about the School of Excellence Survey:

The Grady PTA is looking for volunteers for the 2021-2022 school year. Please attend one of two informational sessions on Thursday, April 1st to find the best position that meets your desired level of participation. Most opportunities can be done from home! You will also have a chance to meet the current PTA President as well as the President Elect for the next school year.
Meeting Details
Date: Thursday, April 1st
Time: 8am and 7pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 379 084 0619
Passcode: Volunteer