Thank you to everyone who attended our special General Assembly PTA meeting on January 26th! At the meeting, we amended our budget to add a $10,000 expense line item to begin updating technology at Grady. 


Here are some important upcoming dates to note:

  • 1/31 – Class Pictures & Last day to purchase 5th grade yearbook ads
  • 2/6 – Chick-fil-A Spirit night from 4-8pm at 609 S Dale Mabry Hwy. This spirit night will benefit the 5th grade end of year activities.
  • 2/9 – Non-Student Day (Florida State Fair Day)
  • 2/23 - Jump Rope for Heart & Field Day – Jump Rope For Heart is a fun field day that has kids jumping rope, running and jumping over hurdles and bouncing in a bounce house.  In addition to fun, students will learn about heart health and the importance of a good diet.  Jump Rope For Heart also has a fundraising component that raises money for the American Heart Association and raises money for athletic equipment for Grady Elementary.  You will be receiving detailed information about the program and how to fund raise shortly. If you have any questions about JRFH in the meantime, please email Ms. Murrell at [email protected].

   It will be a very fun night with a DJ, delicious food and drinks, and lots of great items to bid on to     raise funds to update our school’s technology! Some of the fantastic auction items available that       evening include a birthday party at The Prep, a beach house rental at Indian Shores, 10 pack of         CycleBar classes, and private QB lessons from an NFL quarterback! 

  If you have any items you can donate for the auction, please contact Julie Alexander         at [email protected].



5th grade ads are on sale until tomorrow, January 31, 2018. To buy a yearbook ad for your child, go to: Please note that ads can only be purchased for 5th graders. Once you have purchased the ad, please send the pictures and text you would like included in the ad to [email protected].

Yearbooks are on sale! Make sure that you purchase your yearbook by March to insure that your child will have a yearbook for yearbook signing day. To buy a yearbook for your child, go to and use online code: 112045.

We need your pictures to include in our Yearbook! Parents, please send pictures of the following events to [email protected]: Holiday celebrations, 4th grade heritage, 4th grade St. Augustine Field Trip, K-3 field trips, and pictures from special classroom activities.


Box Tops 

Please help us make it another great box top year!  Clip and send in unexpired box tops in clear ziploc-style bags, with a maximum of 50 Box Tops per bag. Grady will receive 10 cents for every Box Top collected and submitted.  Please send in Box Tops between now and February 23, 2018.

Thank you to everyone that attended our Unlock the Treasures of Reading Night yesterday! Special thanks to all of the guest readers from Ye Mystic Krewe of Gasparilla and the Grady staff that helped make the event possible!!

Here are some important upcoming dates to note:

  • 1/22 – Spring Chorus Rehearsals commence for grades 3, 4 & 5. For additional information and to download a copy of the permission form, please click here: Grady Spring Chorus.
  • 1/26  There will be a special General Assembly PTA meeting on Friday, January 26th at 8am at the flagpole in front of the school. We want to amend the budget to add a $10,000 expense line item for technology. Thanks to the success of our Sponsorship program and Tiger Trek, we will be able to update technology at the school.
  • 1/26  Kindergarten Roundup at 8:30 am in the Media Center – Parents, Grandparents and children are welcome to attend the program for incoming Kindergartners.  Attendees will hear from School administrators and Grady Kindergarten teachers and will receive a tour of the Kindergarten classrooms. Please share this information with friends who have kids that are eligible to attend Kindergarten at Grady and encourage them to attend. No RSVP is necessary.
  • 1/31 – Class Pictures
  • 2/9 – Non-Student Day (Florida State Fair Day)
  • 2/23 - Jump Rope for Heart & Field Day – Jump Rope For Heart is a fun field day that has kids jumping rope, running and jumping over hurdles and bouncing in a bounce house.  In addition to fun, students will learn about heart health and the importance of a good diet.  Jump Rope For Heart also has a fundraising component that raises money for the American Heart Association and raises money for athletic equipment for Grady Elementary.  You will be receiving detailed information about the program and how to fund raise shortly. If you have any questions about JRFH in the meantime, please email Ms. Murrell at [email protected].
  • 3/3 – Grady’s adult only Auction Night at Christ the King. Click here to purchase tickets for our very fun Country themed auction night for only $25 per person, which includes 2 free drink tickets. Please note that tickets sold at the door will be $30 each and will not include any drink tickets. 

To donate items for the auction, please contact Julie Alexander at [email protected].



Yearbooks are on sale! Make sure that you purchase your yearbook by March to insure that your child will have a yearbook for yearbook signing day. To buy a yearbook for your child, go to and use online code: 112045.

5th grade ads are also on sale until January 31, 2018. To buy a yearbook ad for your child go to: Please note that ads can only be purchased for 5th graders.

Barnes & Noble Family Reading Night

Thanks again to the families that participated in our Barnes & Noble Family Night of Reading in December. We raised $575.07 during the event, which will be used for our Teacher Appreciation Week.

Box Tops

Thank you to all of the families that submitted Box Tops in Fall. We raised $592.80, which is used for teacher mini grants, student supplies and classroom needs. 

Please help us make it another great box top year!  Clip and send in unexpired box tops in clear ziploc-style bags, with a maximum of 50 Box Tops per bag. Grady will receive 10 cents for every Box Top collected and submitted.  Please send in Box Tops between now and February 23, 2018.


Mini Grants

In January, the PTA approved $169 in teacher mini grants for ASD Special Education software that was previously purchased by Hillsborough County, but wasn’t renewed this year. So far, over $6,322.66 in teacher mini grants have been approved this school year.

Home & School Connection

Guidance Counselor, Ms. Nancy Harris, asks us to read the January Home & School Connection.

Thank you again for all of your support. It makes all the impactful things we do at Grady possible!

On Thursday, January 18th from 6:00-7:00pm is our annual Unlock the Treasures of Reading Night, also known as Grady Pirate Night. 

Parents and children are invited to this event.  Children will go to classrooms and enjoy stories read by pirates from local krewes.  Parents of students in grades 3-5 will go to the Media Center for the FSA Information Session and parents of students in grades K-2 will go to the cafeteria for a Reading Essentials Information Session. 

The kids will have a blast and they are invited to dress as pirates or wear pajamas. There will be free books, beads, juice and cookies. Please don’t miss this important event.

Welcome back to school! We hope everyone had a wonderful Winter Break!

Please note there are no After School Enrichment Clubs this week. Our ASE Clubs will resume on Tuesday, January 16th.

Here are some important upcoming dates to note:

  •    1/15 – Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday – Non student day
  •    1/16 – After School Enrichment Clubs resume
  •    1/18 – Pirate Reading Night at Grady from 6:00-7:00pm
  •    1/22 – Spring Chorus Rehearsals commence for grades 3, 4 & 5. For additional information and to download a copy of the permission form, please click here: Grady Spring Chorus.
  •    1/26 – Kindergarten Roundup
  •    1/31 – Class Pictures
  •    3/3 –  Grady’s adult only Auction Night at Christ the King. Click here to purchase tickets. To donate items for the auction, please contact Julie Alexander at [email protected].

Yearbooks are on sale! To buy a yearbook for your child, go to and use online code: 112045. Buy it before March to guarantee that your child will have a yearbook for yearbook signing day. 

5th grade ads are also on sale. To buy a yearbook ad for your child go to: Please note that ads can only be purchased for 5th graders. The deadline to purchase ads is January 31, 2018. 

We are still looking for volunteers to help put the ads together and assist with the yearbook. If you are interested, please contact Norma Maiz at [email protected].

The permission slips for the Spring 2018 Grady Tiger Chorus for Grades 3, 4 & 5 were sent home last week. We also attached a copy of the permission slip here

Please note that all students wishing to participate in the Spring Chorus for grades 3, 4 & 5 need to fill out the permission form and return to Mr. Florio by January 22nd, 2018. 

Rehearsals will be held every Monday from 1:30-2:30pm, starting on Monday, January 22nd. The Spring concert will be held on Wednesday, April 25, 2018. 

Please contact Mr. Florio with any questions. 

Dear Tiger Families,

Thank you to Mr. Florio and our students for an amazing Winter Concert last week! They did an incredible job! Also, thanks to our wonderful volunteers who helped set up and clean up after the concert! 

We have some exciting events coming up!  Please click on the links for additional information.

·      12/11 - Our Winter ASE Clubs start today. The club sign up period has closed. If you have any questions, please contact Norma Maiz at [email protected].

 ·     12/15 – Barnes & Noble Family Reading Night and Book Fair from 5:30-8:00pm at Barnes and Noblelocated at 213 N. Dale Mabry for our fun Family Night of Reading. The Family Night of Reading will feature book readings by Principal Dosal, Ms. Sandoval, Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Lempert, Mrs. M. Dosal, Ms. Trupp and Ms. Harahan.  Mr. Tsourakis will read Elf on the Shelf at 7:00pm.  Our students will enjoy fun crafts, hot cocoa and delicious cookies. There will also be a book fair and Grady will get a portion of any purchases made at Barnes & Noble the entire weekend.  For more information on the event, click here:  Family Night of Reading

Can't attend our Bookfair in person on Friday? Visit to support us online. Make sure you enter Bookfair ID # 12277448 at checkout. 

We need volunteers to help run the craft table and replenish supplies during the event. Please register for a 30 minute volunteer shift here: Craft table volunteers. Thank you to everyone who volunteers! Your help makes these events a success. 

·         12/25-1/8 – Winter Break – no school

·     1/9 – Students return to school

·     3/3 – Grady’s adult only Auction Night at Christ the King. Click here to purchase tickets. To donate items for the auction, please contact Julie Alexander at [email protected].

As you are doing your Holiday shopping, please remember that you can use Amazon Smile and designate Grady to receive a portion of your purchases.  To get started, please click here:  Please share this link with friends and family so that Grady will receive portions of their Amazon purchases too.

Please join Grady Elementary PTA at the Family Night Of Reading At Barnes & Noble, located at 213 N. Dale Mabry on Friday, December 15, from 5:30 pm until 8:00 pm. 
Please Join Us For A Night Of Reading, a Bookfair, Crafts & Fun!  Mr. Tsourakis will read Elf On The Shelf at 7:00 pm. Complimentary hot cocoa and cookies will be served at 7:00 pm.
Additional Guest Readers:
5:30 K. Dosal                    6:30 Mrs. Sandoval
5:45 Mrs. Edwards             6:45 Ms. Lempert
6:00 Mrs. Q-Dosal             7:00 Mr. Tsourakis
6:15 Ms. Trupp                 7:15 Julie Harahan
If you purchase anything during The Night Of Reading, please mention Grady Elementary (Bookfair ID # 12277448) at the register so that at least 15% of your purchase will be donated to our school. 
The Bookfair continues all weekend, so any time from December 15 to December 17, if you mention Grady at the counter, our school will receive a portion of your purchase.  We hope to see you there!

Can’t attend our bookfair at Barnes & Noble?  Visit to support us online by entering Bookfair ID # 12277448 at checkout.