We are pleased to offer Basketball, for Fourth and Fifth Graders, a new After School Enrichment Program on Mondays beginning the week of March 30, 2015 and ending the week of May 18, 2015, from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm.  In this program, students will learn the basics of basketball as well as advanced skills in a fun and friendly environment.  The program lasts 8 weeks and costs $65 per child.  If you are interested in this program, please print the flyer attached to this page and return it to the school with payment.  Our After School Enrichment clubs have been wildly popular, so please don’t delay and sign up today.

Make your child, grandchild or your child's class eggstra happy with a toy-filled Happy Spring Egg Gram!  Grady Elementary PTA is selling Happy Spring Egg Grams in front of the school from 7:30 am to 8:00 am on Monday, March 30 and Tuesday, March 31.  The Happy Spring Egg Grams are $1 each or $10 per dozen.  Please complete the form linked below and bring it with you to order your Happy Spring Egg Grams in person on March 30 and 31.  Happy Spring Egg Grams will be delivered to classrooms on Thursday, April 2.

Thank you for the strong interest in After School Enrichment Clubs.  In just 3 days, 24 students have signed up for Chess Club, 12 students have signed up for Dance Club and Robotics Club is fully booked.  There are 16 spots left in Chess Club and 8 spots left in Dance Club.  

Mr. Jack Fahle, Supervisor of Elementary Math for the school district, gave a fantastic presentation on Florida’s Math Standards for Elementary Students on Monday night.  Thanks to all of you who came out.  Nearly every seat was filled and the program itself was invaluable.  Mr. Fahle explained each of the 8 new math practice standards (to see them, click here: http://gradytigers.org/standards-for-mathematical-practice) and gave us problems to solve so that we could understand why the new math standards teach critical thinking.  Mr. Fahle also gave us a very helpful card with the Math Standards explained in a way that elementary students can understand (to see this, click here: http://gradytigers.org/math-standards).  The Student Friendly version is perfect for posting on your refrigerator or elsewhere where your child can see it often.  Mr. Fahle also gave us copies of the grade-specific math standards for grades K to 5 (to see these, click here: http://gradytigers.org/math-guides-for-parents).  Finally, Mr. Fahle gave us a list of resources, including a link to the online component of the GOMath textbook (to see this, click here: http://gradytigers.org/math-parent-resources).  Thanks to Grady for arranging this great presentation.  

On Thursday, March 19, Smoothie King will have smoothies for sale in front of the school from 7:30 am to 8 am.  12 ounce smoothies will be $3.00 each (cash/check) and come in 3 flavors:  Strawberry Extreme, Mango-Fest and Angel Food (a blend of strawberries and bananas).  Please help support the Fifth Grade by buying a smoothie for yourself or your child.

It will soon be time for the PTA to consider board and committee positions for the next academic year.  To that end, the board is seeking members of a nominating committee who will look at all school participants and consider them for board and committee chair positions for next year.  Having a nominating committee ensures that people outside the board of the PTA are involved in the board selection process and encourages diversity and inclusiveness, two of our core values.  The 2015 Nominating Committee’s job will be to find candidates for PTA board and committee positions by the time of the general election on May 13, 2015.  For questions about the nominating committee or to volunteer for it, please email [email protected]

On Thursday, March 19, in lieu of doughnut sales, Smoothie King will have smoothies for sale in front of the school from 7:30 am to 8 am.  12 ounce smoothies will be $3.00 each and come in 3 flavors:  Strawberry Extreme, Mango-Fest and Angel Food (a blend of strawberries and bananas).  Please help support the Fifth Grade by buying a smoothie for yourself or your child. 

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers are hosting a FREE Heads Up Football “Moms Football Safety Clinic” at One Buccaneer Place on Tuesday, March 31st (6pm-8pm). This will be an opportunity for local moms who have children interested in or currently playing youth football to learn more about concussion awareness, hydration, nutrition, and Heads Up Football tackling skills. The event will also feature a Moms Panel lead by Mrs. Chris Golic, wife of Mike Golic – former NFL player and host of ESPN’s Mike and Mike Show. (See flyer below for more details). 
Event website to RSVP –  www.buccaneers.com/momsc.  Please RSVP by March 20. 
Grady Elementary PTA is offering After School Enrichment Clubs for the 9 week period beginning the week of March 23 and ending the week of May 18. Each club will meet once a week on campus from 2:30 pm until 3:30 pm. The clubs offered are: Robotics Club for 3rd and 4th Graders, Chess Club for K to 4th Graders, and Dance Club for K to 5th Graders.

Have you wondered how you can support your children in mathematics?  This interactive 75 minute program (60 minutes of presentation and 15 minutes of questions) will help K-5 parents understand:

1.  Why Today's Math Class Looks Different?

2.  How Today's Math Class is substantively different?

3.  How can parents support their children as they learn mathematics?

The program will take place Monday, March 2, from 6 pm to 7:15 pm in the Kathryn Hance Media Center.  It is an excellent program and a must for parents who want more information about how to help their children thrive while learning mathematics.

To RSVP for this event, please call (813) 872-5325 or email the Principal's Secretary, Sandra Richmond at [email protected].  

Grady Elementary is partnering with American Heart Association to bring you Jump Rope For Heart on February 27, 2015.  This event, which features exercise, information, and fun, will take place on campus.  Students will learn about how to make choices that lead to a healthy lifestyle and get to exercise by jumping rope.  The school will also benefit from this event because we will receive additional physical education equipment due to our participation.

You and your child can help promote heart health and Jump Rope For Heart by registering online to participate in the event. 

Once you register online you can tell your friends about your participation via social media and email.   If you wish, you can donate to the cause and collect prizes.  If you raise $5 for heart health, please send in a coupon from the JRFH materials (sent home in backpacks) to Coach Murrell, and your child will receive a Splatter Duck and a lanyard.  There are various prizes for additional donations, and if your child raises $50 or more, your child will receive a JRFH t-shirt.  Please return the JRFH materials or complete the online donations by February 27. If you have any questions about this great event, please email Coach Michelle Murrell at [email protected].

We will need volunteers to cheer the kids on, to turn ropes and provide water for Jump Rope For Heart!  Please consider volunteering.  Your time commitment can be as little as 55 minutes.  To see the full event schedule, the class times, and to volunteer for a specific duty and time, please click here: http://gradytigers.org/jump-rope-for-heart#.VNwjG_UNwA0.gmail.  Thanks to all of you who volunteer.  You make our school's events run very smoothly.