Grady Elementary sponsored a food and personal item drive for Alpha House of Tampa. Alpha House is so very grateful for our donations and wrote us the following note:
"Thank you, students and families of Grady Elementary School, for the many boxes of generous donations for our food pantry from their Thanksgiving food drive. Lots of goodies for the Thanksgiving meal and other favorites for our moms and babies."
Grady's Famkly Reading Night at Barnes and Noble will take place on Friday, December 4th from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at the Barnes and Noble located at 213 N. Dale Mabry Hwy. Please join us for a night of reading by Grady teachers and faculty. Mrs. Dosal will be reading at 5:00 p.m. and Mr. Tsourakis will do a special reading at 7:00 p.m. Other teachers scheduled to read prior to 7:00 p.m. include Ms. Driggers, Ms. Quevedo, Ms. Ward, Ms. Sandoval, Ms. LaCrosse, Ms. Oliva, Ms. Weathers, Ms. Trupp, and Ms. Harahan. Complimentary hot cocoa and cookies will be served at 7:15 p.m. Please join us for a night of reading, crafts and fun! Barnes and Noble will be giving back a percentage of all sales to Grady Elementary School. So, all purchases made in store on Friday, Dec. 4th or online from Friday, Dec. 4th-Sunday, Dec. 6th will directly benefit Grady Elementary School. For purchases made in store, please let the cashier know you are with Grady Elementary so we will get credit for the purchase. If you can't attend our book fair at Barnes and Noble, you can simply visit Bookfairs to do your shopping online. Be sure to enter the Grady Book Fair ID 11721198 at checkout.
Grady Gardens will "Let It Snow" this holiday season. Snowflakes can be purchased for $5 each and your child's first name, family last name, etc. will be placed on the snowflake. Unfortunately, due to the size of the snowflakes, only one name can be accommodated per snowflake. The snowflakes will be installed on wooden posts to be inserted into the front lawn area in front of the Grady Elementary School. This is a great way to show school spirit, decorate our school for the holidays, and the children will love seeing their names on the snowflakes. An example of the snowflake is shown at Grady Elementary School, right in front of the large "Let It Snow" blue banner at the front walk way. Order forms have already been sent home with the students, but if you need another order form, we have attached one for you here: Snowflake Sign Up.
The Gingerbread Shopping experience at Grady Elementary School will begin on Monday, November 30th and continue through Friday, December 4th, from 7:30-8:00 a.m. each day. Gingerbread Shopping will take place on the stage in the school cafeteria, and will have items for the kids to purchase as Christmas presents for their parents, siblings, grandparents, etc. These items range in price from $.25 each, up to $10.00. This is not a fundraiser, but simply a way for school children to feel independent by purchasing presents by themselves for their family for the holidays. Cash and checks made out to Grady PTA will be accepted, and the items your children purchase will be placed in a holiday bag and sent home with them that same day.