Our goal over the past year and a half has been to upgrade our technology. With the funds raised last year, we were able to purchase 1 computer cart (with at least 20 laptops) for each grade level for a total of 120 laptops. The laptop cart will allow the computers to go from classroom to classroom, so that the computers can be utilized by more students during a single school day. For the 2018-19 school year, we included budget items for additional technology upgrades. We have already approved the purchase of 2 ceiling mounted projectors, 2 iPads, and 1 laptop and plan to purchase additional technology for the media center.
Principal Dosal requested that we use the our additional funds this year to install a new digital marquee. The digital marquee will assist the office in quickly communicating with our parents and providing up-to-date reminders of important events at Grady, instead of monthly updates. During the meeting, we officially voted to fund the digital marquee with our additional funds. We will share more information about the marquee as it becomes available.
In addition, during the meeting we approved over $2,500 in mini grant requests from our teachers and specialists that include: purchasing 100 classic literature books for 4th graders, providing flexible seating options for students, approving subscriptions (News 2 You, Scholastic, Storyworks, Starfall and ABC Mouse) that benefit students in multiple grades, and providing our ASD classrooms with kits that help with fine motor skills and help with science experiments.
Thanks to all of our amazing sponsors, donors during events such as Tiger Trek and Auction Night, and increased club enrollment, we have acquired more funds that allow us to better serve our students and the community.
Below are some upcoming important dates:
1/25 - Kindergarten Countdown for incoming Kindergarten parents
1/31 - Family Skate Night at United Skates of America
2/08 - Fair Day - NO SCHOOL
2/13 - Pre-K and Kindergarten Valentine's Day Concert
2/15 - Jump Rope for Heart and Field Day
3/09 - Grady 80's themed Auction Night at Christ the King
3/12 - 1st & 2nd Grade School Concert
3/13 - 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade School Concert