Thank you to all of our students, families, and volunteers that participated in yesterday's Walk to School Wednesday! We had 180 walkers. Congratulations to Mrs. Dreby's class for winning the recess goodies with 11 participants - more than half the class! Save the date for our next Walk to School Wednesday on December 4th. We are looking for photos from Walk To School Wednesday, Storybook Parade or the Fall Festival for the website and yearbook. Please email photos from these events to [email protected]
Our 3rd annual adult only Auction Night is coming up on April 18th. We need your help to make it an amazing night! ***We are looking for an Auction Coordinator***, as well as volunteers for the Decorations and Donations Committees. Please contact Kat Cowley at [email protected] for more information. 
Below are some upcoming important dates: 
  • 11/11 - Veterans Day - NO SCHOOL 
  • 11/12 - PTA Meeting from 8:00 - 9:00 am - Open to anyone interested in learning more about PTA and upcoming events
  • 11/20 - Thanksgiving Lunch
  • 11/21 - Great American Teach In
  • 11/22 - Tiger Trek Class Parties
  • 11/25 - 11/29 - Fall Break - NO SCHOOL
  • 12/04 - Walk to School Wednesday
  • 12/23 - 1/06 - Winter Break - NO SCHOOL
  • 04/18/20 - Grady's Auction Night 
Auction Night 4/18
Our 3rd annual adult only Auction Night is coming up on April 18th. We need your help to make it an amazing night! 
We need volunteers for: Auction Coordinator, Decorations Committee and Donations Committee. Ideally we will have 10-15 volunteers for each of the committees. Planning Meetings will be held once a month and attendance will be required. We will be sending out more details about the meeting places and dates shortly. If you are interested in helping with the auction, please contact Kat Cowley at [email protected]
Thanksgiving Lunch
Grady's annual Thanksgiving Feast will take place on Wednesday, November 20th in the Grady cafeteria during your student's lunch time. For more details and to view the full lunch schedule, please click on 2019 Thanksgiving Lunch. Please note that November 15th is the deadline for the Thanksgiving Feast Reservations and money for additional adult and child lunches. No money or reservations will be accepted on the day of the feast. 

Make sure that you bring a photo ID and allow time to sign in and receive a visitor's pass from the front office.

We need your help volunteering at Thanksgiving lunch! Please click on Thanksgiving Lunch Volunteer to sign up. Shifts are 1 hour each and you can leave a note in the comment section if you would like to start/finish a few minutes early in order to participate in your child's lunch.

Tiger Trek Parties
Thanks again to all of our Tiger Trek donors and participants! We raised over $25,000 towards our track! We had an amazing time celebrating the students that earned individual Tiger Trek Ice Cream, Kona Ice, and Video Game parties on October 31st. 
Special congratulations to our top 5 individual students:
1st Place - Olivia Torres
2nd Place - Lennon Berner
3rd Place - Ana Gomez
4th Place - Edward Holley
5th Place - Pablo Gomez

Class parties will held on November 22nd. That will also be a non-uniform day where students can wear their favorite sports team gear. We are very excited that thanks to our generous donors, all of our classes have earned a class party on the 22nd. Please click on Tiger Trek Class Parties to view a full list with the party each class earned. 

Box Tops
Keep collecting Box Tops! For every 5 Box Tops submitted, students will obtain 1 entry into the monthly drawing. Turn in your Box Tops in November and December for a chance to win a giant stocking full of toys! For more information, please click Grady Box Tops. 
You can submit Box Tops 3 ways: 
  1. Through the Box Top$ for Education app. Send a screenshot of your current uploaded box top amounts in your app to [email protected] to be eligible for prizes. 
  2. Clip Box Tops and turn in on the form sent home or in a Ziploc Bag. Make sure to include your child's name and teacher on the form/ziploc bag. Please insure that you are sending unexpired Box Tops and not the "Skip the Clip" logos. Items with the "Skip the Clip" logo should be submitted through the Box Top$ for Education App. 
  3. Send unscanned receipts to your teacher with your child's name written on the back. 
PTA Meetings
The next PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 12th from 8:00 - 9:00 am in the Teachers' Lounge. The meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about the PTA and upcoming events. If you cannot attend and would like to review the prior meeting minutes, please visit PTA Board Meetings. We have also listed some of the programs that 2019-2020 PTA Fundraisers will help fund. 
PTA Membership
Who can join? ANYONE. You can add your neighbor, parents, grandparents, anyone in the community. 
How much does it cost? $6 for one person, $10 for two.
Where can we become members? Online at:
High membership participation provides PTA with strength in numbers when advocating for our students and also allows us to participate in PTA programs such as Reflections Art. Our PTA also receives awards for membership and programs PTA offers.
Tiger Business and Family Partners
Thank you to all of our Tiger partners! Our Tiger partners greatly assist us in enhancing educational opportunities and experiences for Grady students in four main areas: make a difference in our classrooms by funding programs; deliver PTA events to our students, teachers, and families; support Grady school events by providing volunteers and/or covering expenses; and enhance Grady Elementary through health and safety projects. To learn more about Tiger Family and Business Partnerships, please click hereTiger Partnership Program. 
Our 2019-20 Tiger Business Partners are

Our 2019-20 Family Sponsors are

  • Leader of the Pack level partner: Drs. Siviero & Heather Agazzi
  • Tiger Bronze partners: Melanie Edwards Fowler; The Gibbs Family; The House Family; and The Zysk Family
  • Red (Bengal) level partners: Angi Comas; The Christopher Family; The Du Family; The Fitzgerald Family; The Gomez Family; The Jacobs Family - Jennifer, Jeremy, Welles & Briggs; The Ledford Family; The Lueckeman Family; The Roush Family; and The Schentrup Family
  • Yellow (Cougar) level partners: John Paul and Rosemarie Getting; The Neward Family; Khue and NamSon Nguyen Family; and Ken Vu
  • Green (Cub) level partner: The Knittle Family
Thank you so much to everyone who attended our Fall Festival, especially our amazing volunteers who helped the event run smoothly and Mr. Tsourakis for allowing our students to slime him! Despite the rain early on, it was an incredibly fun night for our students! Also, thank you to our vendors and sponsors that set up tables and entertainment for our students - Drama Kids, Soccer Shots, Martial Arts Advantage, Rockatar, Perez Orthodontics, and Traditional Tae Kwan Do Black Belt Center. Thank you to Publix for donating the drinks and snacks. We greatly appreciate all the parents, teachers, office staff, former Grady students, and everyone else who stepped up to make the night a success.  
Our Annual Storybook Parade takes place tomorrow, October 31st at 8:15 am. Teachers, staff and students are invited to dress in a costume depicting a favorite storybook character and are encouraged to carry the book that depicts their costume. Students may change into their uniform after the parade if they’d like to! *Please note that according to school board policy, toy guns, toy swords or weapons of any kind cannot be brought to school. Also, please be aware that very scary costumes are not permitted. For more details, please click on Storybook Parade.
The parade will begin at 8:15 a.m. The spectator viewing area is standing room only outside the school’s front office, along the car line area. Students will parade out the front office gate and walk along the sidewalk traveling East towards the Media Center.  
Starbucks has generously donated coffee for the storybook parade spectators and the 5th grade will have a donation-based bake sale, so bring a little cash if you would like a little morning treat for yourself! The PTA table will have membership forms available and will also be selling adult shirts (sizes S, L, XL) for $20 each and drawstring bags for $10 each. There will be a discount on PTA items purchased for anyone that signs a grandparent up for PTA membership. 
The Tiger Trek Ice Cream, Kona Ice, Video Game parties, and lunch with Mr. Campbell and Mrs. Gonzalez are also scheduled on October 31st for students who earned them through fundraising! The Ice Cream Party will take place from 9:30 - 10:00 am. The Kona Ice and Video Game Parties are scheduled between 10:00 - 12:00 pm. The Kona Ice and Video Game Parties are each 1 hour long and we have also scheduled for a 30 minute lunch with Mr. Campbell or Mrs. Gonzalez. Please note that the class parties will be held on November 22nd. We will circulate more details about the class parties in November. 
PTA Membership
Every new member that signs up by tomorrow, October 31st, will be entered in a raffle to win a free hard cover 2019-2020 Grady Yearbook, valued at $25. We will raffle 1 yearbook for every 10 new members. People adding grandparents as members will get 2 tickets for the yearbook raffle and will get 2 for 1 pricing on PTA shirts and drawstring bags.   
Who can join? ANYONE. You can add your neighbor, parents, grandparents, anyone in the community. 
How much does it cost? $6 for one person, $10 for two.
Where can we become members? Online at: or sign up at the Storybook Parade on October 31st
High membership participation provides PTA with strength in numbers when advocating for our students and also allows us to participate in PTA programs such as Reflections Art. Our PTA also receives awards for membership and programs PTA offers.
Our goal is to add at least 23 more members by tomorrow. 
Below are some upcoming important dates: 
  • 10/31 - Storybook Parade at 8:15 am (Parents are invited to watch the parade)
  • 11/06 - Walk to School Wednesday from 7:00 - 7:40 am
  • 11/11 - Veteran's Day - NO SCHOOL 
  • 11/12 - PTA Meeting from 8:00 - 9:00 am - Open to anyone interested in learning more about PTA and upcoming events
  • 04/18/20 - Grady's Auction Night
Box Tops
Keep collecting Box Tops! For every 5 Box Tops submitted, students will obtain 1 entry into the monthly drawing. Turn in your Box Tops in November and December for a chance to win a giant stocking full of toys! For more information, please click Grady Box Tops. 
You can submit Box Tops 3 ways: 
  1. Through the Box Top$ for Education app. Send a screenshot of your current uploaded box top amounts in your app to [email protected] to be eligible for prizes. 
  2. Clip Box Tops and turn in on the form sent home or in a Ziploc Bag. Make sure to include your child's name and teacher on the form/ziploc bag. Please insure that you are sending unexpired Box Tops and not the "Skip the Clip" logos. Items with the "Skip the Clip" logo should be submitted through the Box Top$ for Education App. 
  3. Send unscanned receipts to your teacher with your child's name written on the back. 
PTA Meetings
The next PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 12th from 8:00 - 9:00 am in the Teachers' Lounge. The meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about the PTA and upcoming events. If you cannot attend and would like to review the prior meeting minutes, please visit PTA Board Meetings. We have also listed some of the programs that 2019-2020 PTA Fundraisers will help fund. 
Tiger Business and Family Partners
Thank you to all of our Tiger partners! Our Tiger partners greatly assist us in enhancing educational opportunities and experiences for Grady students in four main areas: make a difference in our classrooms by funding programs; deliver PTA events to our students, teachers, and families; support Grady school events by providing volunteers and/or covering expenses; and enhance Grady Elementary through health and safety projects. To learn more about Tiger Family and Business Partnerships, please click hereTiger Partnership Program. 
Our 2019-20 Tiger Business Partners are

Our 2019-20 Family Sponsors are

  • Leader of the Pack level partner: Drs. Siviero & Heather Agazzi
  • Tiger Bronze partners: Melanie Edwards Fowler; The Gibbs Family; The House Family; and The Zysk Family
  • Red (Bengal) level partners: Angi Comas; The Christopher Family; The Du Family; The Fitzgerald Family; The Gomez Family; The Jacobs Family - Jennifer, Jeremy, Welles & Briggs; The Ledford Family; The Lueckeman Family; The Roush Family; and The Schentrup Family
  • Yellow (Cougar) level partners: John Paul and Rosemarie Getting; The Neward Family; Khue and NamSon Nguyen Family; and Ken Vu
  • Green (Cub) level partner: The Knittle Family

Got used markers? ColorCycle them at Grady

What is Crayola ColorCycle? Crayola’s latest sustainability initiative designed to repurpose markers, highlighters and dry erase markers. All marker brands are accepted. 

How do I help? Collect markers and drop them off in the front office or your student can give them to our art teacher, Debonique Grigsby. 

For more information, click on ColorCycle.

Thank you to everyone who participated and donated to Tiger Trek! We raised over $25,000!! The proceeds will all go towards our 2 year project to build a track at Grady. 

Congratulations to our Tiger Trek individual student winners! They did an amazing job raising funds for Grady!
1st Place - Olivia Torres - Advantage Martial Arts Birthday Party
2nd Place - Lennon Berner - $150 Gift Certificate from Bricks 4 Kidz
3rd Place - Ana Gomez - $135 Gift Certificate to Rockatar
4th Place - Edward Holley - Free ASE Club
5th Place - Pablo Gomez - Free 2019-20 Yearbook

Parties were held on October 31st for individual students that earned the Ice Cream Party, Kona Ice Party, or Video Game Party. 

Class parties will held on November 22nd. That will also be a non-uniform day where students can wear their favorite sports team gear. We are very excited that thanks to our generous donors, all of our classes have earned a class party on the 22nd. 

Here are the final class standings, along with the party they earned: 

KG-Hero*  21  $100.48  30 extra min recess & Bounce House during Recess Time, plus non-uniform day

Bounce House - 12:25-12:55,  Extra 30 min. Recess - 12:55 -1:25

02-Price  20  $97.00  30 extra min recess & Bounce House during Recess Time, plus non-uniform day

Bounce House - 11:55-12:25,  Extra 30 min. Recess - 12:25 -12:55

04-Ritter  19  $90.58 30 extra min recess & Bounce House during Recess Time, plus non-uniform day Bounce House - 12:55-1:25,
Extra 30 min. Recess - 1:25 -1:55
04-Dickens  19  $90.00 30 extra min recess & Bounce House during Recess Time, plus non-uniform day Bounce House - 1:25-1:55,
Extra 30 min. Recess - 12:55 -1:25
KG-Dreby  20  $72.35  Popsicle & Slime party, plus non-uniform day Slime Party - 8:30-9:00  Popsicle Party - 12:40 - 12:55
03-Doremus  18  $72.28 Popsicle & Slime party, plus non-uniform day Slime Party - 9:00-9:30  Popsicle Party - 11:20 - 11:35
01-Delcastillo  20  $69.85  Popsicle & Slime party, plus non-uniform day Slime Party - 8:30-9:00  Popsicle Party - 11:55 - 12:10
01-Ward  20  $69.50  Popsicle & Slime party, plus non-uniform day Slime Party - 8:30-9:00  Popsicle Party - 12:00 - 12:15
04-Lanier  19  $65.32 Popsicle & Slime party, plus non-uniform day Slime Party - 9:30-10:00 Popsicle Party - 12:25 - 12:40
05-Trupp  24  $64.67  Popsicle & Slime party, plus non-uniform day Slime Party - 9:30-10:00 Popsicle Party - 11:05 - 11:20
01-Wolfe  20  $57.77  Slime party, plus non-uniform day Slime Party - 8:30-9:00
KG-Finitz  20  $58.50  Slime party, plus non-uniform day Slime Party - 8:30-9:00
05-Cucci  22  $48.41 Slime party, plus non-uniform day Slime Party - 9:30-10:00
04-Reyher  18  $46.11  Slime party, plus non-uniform day Slime Party - 9:30-10:00
02-De Lucia  19  $45.00  Slime party, plus non-uniform day Slime Party - 9:00-9:30
01-Horne  20  $44.50  Popsicle party, plus non-uniform day Popsicle Party - 12:10 - 12:25
03-Oliva  15  $42.00 Popsicle party, plus non-uniform day Popsicle Party - 11:25 - 11:40
02-Buell  21  $41.19  Popsicle party, plus non-uniform day Popsicle Party - 11:50 - 12:05
KG-Ward-Ordonez  20  $40.00  Popsicle party, plus non-uniform day Popsicle Party - 12:50 - 1:05
PK-Brinson  17  $40.00  Popsicle party, plus non-uniform day Popsicle Party - 10:45 - 11:00
03-Newberry  18  $39.56  Popsicle party, plus non-uniform day Popsicle Party - 11:30 - 11:45
02-Ona  20  $38.50  Popsicle party, plus non-uniform day Popsicle Party - 11:40-11:55
KG-Mcalister  8 $37.50 Popsicle party, plus non-uniform day Popsicle Party - 11:45 - 12:00
03-Neldner  18  $35.28  Popsicle party, plus non-uniform day Popsicle Party - 11:15 - 11:30
05-Webber  21  $30.45 Popsicle party, plus non-uniform day Popsicle Party - 11:00-11:15
05-Steel  21  $30.00  Popsicle party, plus non-uniform day Popsicle Party - 10:55-11:10
05-Nichols  10 $30.00  Popsicle party, plus non-uniform day Popsicle Party - 10:55-11:10
PK-Minardi  $30.00  Popsicle party, plus non-uniform day Popsicle Party - 10:50-11:00

Thank you to all the families that participated in the Grain and Berry Family Night on Monday and visited our Book Fair!

We also greatly appreciate all of the students and families that participated in Walk to School Wednesday today! We had 188 participants, which is about a third of our students! Mrs. Trupp's class is the winner of our recess goodies with 13 walkers this morning!

Congratulations to Chris Lanier, Debonique Grigsby and Heather Tanski, who are being awarded for their commitment to excellence in education! Chris Lanier, fourth grade teacher, has been named Grady's Teacher of the Year. Debonique Grigsby, Art Specialist, has been named Ida S. Baker Diversity Educator of the Year. Heather Tanski has been named Instructional Support Person of the Year. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to our students!

Grady Elementary School PTA's Fall Festival FUNdraiser is only 2 days away! Fall Festival takes place this Friday, October 25th, from 5:00 - 7:30 pm! There will be a Maze, Bounce Houses, Games, Balloon Artists, 5th Grade Bake Sale, Slime, Sponsors, Magic Show (5:30 & 6:30 pm) and more Fall Fun!! For full event details, click on Read More.

Tonight is the deadline for purchasing wristbands, tickets and full pizzas online. After tonight's deadline, wristbands and tickets will only be available for purchase at the Fall Festival and pizza will only be sold by the slice. Regular priced wristbands are $20/wristbands and tickets are still $1/ticket. Please note that adults do not need to purchase Wristbands unless they plan on participating in the Games, Booths, etc...

**We need your help! Please consider volunteering for a 30 minute shift during the Fall Festival. We know many of you have volunteered at the class level, but we need more volunteers to help the event run smoothly!

Below are some upcoming important dates:
10/24 - Red Ribbon Week - Students should wear crazy socks
10/25 - Red Ribbon Week - Students should wear sunglasses
10/25 - Deadline to submit Box Tops for October drawing & contest
10/25 - Book Fair is open from 4:00 - 7:30 pm
10/25 - Fall Festival from 5:00 - 7:30 pm
10/31 - Storybook Parade at 8:15 am (Parents are invited to watch the parade)
04/18/20 - Grady's Auction Night

Book Fair 10/21-25

Grady Elementary School's Book Fair is open this week! Book Fair is located at the Kathryn Hance Media Center and is open from Monday - Friday, 7:10 - 2:30 (open 4:00 - 7:30 during the Fall Festival on 10/25). Parents must bring ID and sign in at the office if they would like to accompany their students to the Book Fair. Please note that no children are allowed without parents until after the morning show. For full details about the Book Fair, including the link to shop online, please click on Grady's Fall Book Fair.

Consider using the new eWallet feature in lieu of sending kids with cash. For more information, please click on eWallet. If you plan on sending cash, it is recommended to place it in an envelope with students names for younger children. Keep in mind that there is an 8.5% sales tax added to all items.

We still need $6,100 to reach our goal of $13,000 and slime Mr. Tsourakis at the Fall Festival!

If you have any questions or special instructions, call Mr. Tsourakis at 813-872-5325.

Storybook Parade 10/31

Teachers, staff and students are invited to dress in a costume depicting a favorite storybook character and are encouraged to carry the book that depicts their costume on October 31st. Students may change into their uniform after the parade if they’d like to! *Please note that according to school board policy, toy guns, toy swords or weapons of any kind cannot be brought to school. Also, please be aware that very scary costumes are not permitted. For more details, please click on Storybook Parade.

The parade will begin at 8:15 a.m. The spectator viewing area is standing room only outside the school’s front office, along the car line area. Students will parade out the front office gate and walk along the sidewalk traveling East towards the Media Center.

Starbucks has generously donated coffee for the storybook parade spectators and the 5th grade will have a donation-based bake sale, so bring a little cash if you would like a little morning treat for yourself!

The Tiger Trek Ice Cream, Kona Ice, and Video Game parties will also occur on this day for students who earned them through the fundraising! Please note that class parties will be held on November 22nd.

Grady's Annual Storybook Parade will be on Thursday, October 31st. Teachers, staff and students are invited to dress in a costume depicting a favorite storybook character. Students are encouraged to carry the book that depicts the character they are wearing. 

The parade will begin at 8:15 a.m. The spectator viewing area is standing room only outside the school’s front office, along the car line area. Students will parade out the front office gate and walk along the sidewalk traveling East towards the Media Center. Starbucks has generously donated coffee for the Storybook Parade for spectators and 5th grade will have a donation based bake sale.  Make sure to bring cash if you would like a little morning treat for yourself! 

After the parade, school work will resume with planned literature based activities related to the storybook characters. If your child's costume would be uncomfortable to wear all day, he or she may change back into their school uniform. 

If your child needs help planning something to wear, just send a note to his/her homeroom teacher and assistance will be given. In planning your child's outfit, remember that according to school board policy, toy guns, toy swords or weapons of any kind cannot be brought to school. Also, please be aware that very scary costumes are not permitted. 

We have some very fun events coming up the next few weeks at Grady Elementary! 
Grady Elementary School PTA's Fall Festival FUNdraiser is coming up on October 25, 2019 from 5:00 - 7:30 pm! There will be a Maze, Bounce Houses, Games, Balloon Artists, 5th Grade Bake Sale, Slime, Sponsors, Magic Show (5:30 & 6:30 pm) and more Fall Fun!! For full event details, please click on Fall Festival FUNdraiser
Buy Wristbands in advance for $10 each by Monday, October 21st. Wristbands purchased the night of the event will cost $20 per wristband. All Wristbands include the Bounce Houses, Booths, Maze, Games and Magic Show. Please note that adults do not need to purchase Wristbands unless they plan on participating in the Games, Booths, etc...

Advanced purchased wristbands & tickets will be available for PICKUP by an adult at the following dates/times: 

    • 10/23: Before school on Walk-to-School Wednesday (at the Side Walk Stomper Hub on the corner of Grady/Morrison) 
    • 10/25: Morning drop-off in front of school 
    • 10/25: After School at Park-and-Walk 
    • Pickup at the PTA table at the Fall Festival 
To purchase Advanced Wristbands and Tickets for food/drinks, click here. Please use the name of your oldest child only. You will also be able to pre-order whole pizzas online. We will email a separate link when it is available.  

We need volunteers to make the event a success. If you would like to volunteer to help with this year’s Fall Festival please click here.

Below are some upcoming important dates:
  • 10/18 - PTA School of Excellence Survey due
  • 10/21 - 10/25 - Book Fair from 7:30 - 2:30 pm daily (open 4:00 - 7:30 on 10/21 & 10/25)  
  • 10/21 - Family Night at Grain and Berry from 2:00 - 7:00 pm
  • 10/23 - Walk to School Wednesday & pick up your Fall Festival Wristbands
  • 10/25 - Deadline to submit Box Tops for October drawing & contest
  • 10/25 - Fall Festival from 5:00 - 7:30 pm
  • 10/31 - Storybook Parade
  • 04/18/20 - Grady's Auction Night
School of Excellence Survey
All parents should have received a letter regarding the National PTA School of Excellence program with a 20 questions survey regarding the Grady PTA. Please fill it out the survey and return it to your student's homeroom teacher by Friday, October 18th. 
Book Fair 10/21-25
Grady Elementary School's Book Fair is coming up on October 21 - 25th at the Kathryn Hance Media Center. Book Fair is open from Monday - Friday, 7:10 - 2:30 (open 4:00 - 7:30 during Grain & Berry Family Night on 10/21 & Fall Festival on 10/25). Parents must bring ID and sign in at the office if they would like to accompany their students to the Book Fair. Please note that no children are allowed without parents until after the morning show. For full details about the Book Fair, including the link to shop online, please click on Grady's Fall Book Fair

Consider using the new eWallet feature in lieu of sending kids with cash. For more information, please click on eWallet. If you plan on sending cash, it is recommended to place it in an envelope with students names for younger children. Keep in mind that there is an 8.5% sales tax added to all items. 

We need your help to make it an epic adventure! Please sign up to volunteer for the Book Fair: Click Here to Volunteer.

If you have any questions or special instructions, call Mr. Tsourakis at 813-872-5325.

Family Night at Grain & Berry 10/21

Monday, October 21st from 2:00 - 7:00 pm, bring your family out to Grain & Berry located at 1155 S Dale Mabry Hwy for Family Night. Join us right after pickup - it is walking distance from the school or you can drive over. 

Please mention that you are with Grady Elementary. To view their full menu, go to

Walk to School Wednesday 10/23

We have added a Walk to School Wednesday on October 23rd to allow parents to pick up advanced purchase Fall Festival Wristbands and Tickets! Walk to School Wednesday will continue to occur on a monthly basis, the first Wednesday of each month. 

Students can walk, bike or scooter to school and check in with volunteers on the corner of Grady and Morrison Ave (right by the crosswalk) from 7:05 - 7:35 am. Students will be able to pick up a sticker on their way to their classroom and parents will be able to pick up advanced purchase Fall Festival Wristbands and Tickets. The class with the most walkers will earn goodies for recess!

Volunteers are needed from 7:00 - 7:40 am to help check in our students and hand out the Advanced purchase Fall Festival Wristbands and Tickets. Please click on Walk to School Wednesday Volunteer to sign up. 

For more details about our Walk to School Wednesday program, please click on Walk to School Wednesdays
Box Tops
Keep collecting Box Tops! For every 5 Box Tops submitted, students will obtain 1 entry into the monthly drawing. In October, 3 students will win a pumpkin full of Halloween goodies and the class that turns in the most Box Tops in October will win an ice cream sundae party! Box Tops must be turned in by October 25th. For more information, please click Grady Box Tops. 
You can submit Box Tops 3 ways: 
  1. Through the Box Top$ for Education app. Send a screenshot of your current uploaded box top amounts in your app to [email protected] to be eligible for prizes. 
  2. Clip Box Tops and turn in on the form sent home or in a Ziploc Bag. Make sure to include your child's name and teacher on the form/ziploc bag. Please insure that you are sending unexpired Box Tops and not the "Skip the Clip" logos. Items with the "Skip the Clip" logo should be submitted through the Box Top$ for Education App. 
  3. Send unscanned receipts to your teacher with your child's name written on the back. 
PTA Membership
Thank you to all of the families that have already signed up to join the Grady PTA. We have 360 members signed up, but still need 90 more to reach our goal of 450 members. You can still sign up/renew your PTA membership online by clicking PTA Membership.  Membership must be renewed annually. Membership is only $6 for 1 person or $10 for 2 people. Anyone can join the PTA: Parents, Grandparents, Children (6th - 12th grade), Teachers, Faculty, Staff and Community Members. High membership participation provides PTA with strength in numbers when advocating for our students and also allows us to participate in PTA programs such as Reflections Art.   
PTA Meetings
The next PTA meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 12th from 8:00 - 9:00 am in the Teachers' Lounge. The meeting is open to anyone interested in learning more about the PTA and upcoming events. If you cannot attend and would like to review the prior meeting minutes, please visit PTA Board Meetings. We have also listed some of the programs that 2019-2020 PTA Fundraisers will help fund. 
Tiger Business and Family Partners
Thank you to all of our Tiger partners! Our Tiger partners greatly assist us in enhancing educational opportunities and experiences for Grady students in four main areas: make a difference in our classrooms by funding programs; deliver PTA events to our students, teachers, and families; support Grady school events by providing volunteers and/or covering expenses; and enhance Grady Elementary through health and safety projects. To learn more about Tiger Family and Business Partnerships, please click hereTiger Partnership Program. 
Welcome to our newest Green (Cub) level Tiger Partner, The Knittle Family! 
Our 2019-20 Tiger Business Partners are

Our 2019-20 Family Sponsors are

  • Leader of the Pack level partner: Drs. Siviero & Heather Agazzi
  • Tiger Bronze partners: Melanie Edwards Fowler; The Gibbs Family; The House Family; and The Zysk Family
  • Red (Bengal) level partners: Angi Comas; The Christopher Family; The Du Family; The Fitzgerald Family; The Gomez Family; The Jacobs Family - Jennifer, Jeremy, Welles & Briggs; The Ledford Family; The Lueckeman Family; The Roush Family; and The Schentrup Family
  • Yellow (Cougar) level partners: John Paul and Rosemarie Getting; The Neward Family; Khue and NamSon Nguyen Family; and Ken Vu
  • Green (Cub) level partner: The Knittle Family

Got used markers? ColorCycle them at Grady

What is Crayola ColorCycle? Crayola’s latest sustainability initiative designed to repurpose markers, highlighters and dry erase markers. All marker brands are accepted. 

How do I help? Collect markers and drop them off in the front office or your student can give them to our art teacher, Debonique Grigsby. 

For more information, click on ColorCycle.

Grady Elementary School Book Fair

Oct. 21 - Oct. 25

Our Scholastic Book Fair is a great way to get kids excited about reading and to buy some great reads! 

The Book Fair takes place in the Media Center and is open from Monday - Friday, 7:30 - 2:30 (open 2:30 - 7:00 during Grain & Berry Family Night on 10/21 & 4:00 - 7:30 pm for Fall Festival on 10/25). No children are allowed without parents until after the morning show.

We need your help to make it an epic adventure! Please sign-up to volunteer for the Book Fair: Click Here to Volunteer

Interactive Book Fair Flyer: Click Here

Consider using the new eWallet feature in lieu of sending kids with cash. For more information, please click on eWallet. If you plan on sending cash, it is recommended to place cash in an envelope with students names for younger children. Keep in mind that there is an 8.5% sales tax added to all items. 

If you are unable to shop in person, click on Shop Online to access our online book fair. 

If you have any questions or special instructions, call Mr. Tsourakis at 813-872-5325.

Thank you for supporting our school Book Fair and developing a love of reading in your child!