Thank you to everyone who participated in our inaugural Grady Auction Night! It was an incredibly fun evening, with amazing country decor, a fun photo booth, energetic DJ, delicious barbecue, fantastic drinks, amazing auction items and our wonderful Grady parents, teachers and staff!!  To see some pictures of the event, please click here:  Auction Pictures.  

We are still finalizing the numbers, but it is fair to say that the event raised more than enough money for another laptop cart.

Grady PTA thanks William and Elizabeth Woodroffe for preparing and donating the delicious BBQ pork, hamburgers, Cole slaw and other food at the event.  Grady PTA thanks event sponsors Salty Rim Grill for providing liquor, Blind Goat for providing beverages, Bloom Garden Shop for providing the beautiful centerpieces and floral decorations, Cakes Plus for making a beautiful and delicious cake, Eats! and 3 C’s Catering for providing food and beverages for the event, and Chick-fil-A for providing tea and lemonade.  The event has been an incredible financial success because of the generosity of our event sponsors.

Thank you so much to our auction committee that planned the event, all of our attendees and all of our amazing sponsors and donors!!  Our event was a huge success thanks to all of you!   Grady PTA particularly wishes to thank Jaime Patterson and Jacquelyn Hardin, who co-produced the event, as well as Lynn Bennett, Pam LaCrosse, Sandra Richmond, Kristin Keller, Aimee Feldman, Josette Delaney, Lauren Fitzgerald, Julie Alexander, Maria Lopez,  Arwen Guida, who served as the committee for the event; and Denim Richmond, Analisa Whiteside, Tricia Mason, Tim Bresnahan, Barbie Blank and Damaris Allen, who volunteered at the event.

Congratulations to the auction and raffle winners.  All winners have been notified.  We are still in the process of paying expenses and collecting from auction winners, but we will know the financial results in a few days and we look forward to sharing the results with you.  We are so glad to be part of a wonderful, generous school community.

Our Auction Night/Hoedown is coming up in just 4 days!!! Buy your tickets today here. We have some amazing auction and raffle items available. Raffle tickets are being sold during drop off this week. Tickets are $1 each, $5 for 7 and $10 for 15. You can purchase the raffle tickets in cash or via credit card. You do not have to be present to win the raffle. 

Here are some important upcoming dates to note:

It will be a very fun night with a DJ, delicious food and drinks, and lots of great items to bid on including a birthday party at The Prep, a beach house rental at Indian Shores, 10 pack of CycleBar classes, and private QB lessons from an NFL quarterback!

All of the funds that we raise during Auction Night will help us continue to update our school’s technology and purchase more computers. Please come out to the Auction, have a great time and help us improve Grady’s technology. If you can’t attend, but would still like to donate, please go to our Auction Donation Page. 

  • 3/12-16 – Spring Break (No School)  
  • 3/30 – Good Friday (No School) 
  • 4/11 – Spring Musical  


Yearbooks are on sale! Make sure that you purchase your yearbook by March to insure that your child will have a yearbook for yearbook signing day. To buy a yearbook for your child, go to and use online code: 112045. 

We need your pictures to include in our Yearbook! Parents, please send pictures of the following events to [email protected]: Student of the month, 1st grade field trip, student competitions, Grady Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, and Grady teams (including math bowl, STEM and Tropicana speeches). All pictures must be submitted by March 4th. 

The 5th grade Yearbook ads have been completed and are no longer available for purchase. 

After School Enrichment Clubs

March 9th is the last day of our Winter Session of After School Enrichment Clubs. The next session of clubs will begin on April 9th and will run for 6 weeks. Registration for the Spring Session will open the week of March 19th. We will offer our current list of clubs, plus we are adding Yoga! We will have a K-1st Yoga club and 2nd-4th Grade Yoga club. There will also be a Spring cooking special session in March. Stay tuned for more details!

Please note that ELP is scheduled to run on Wednesdays and Thursdays through April 5th.

Playgrounds is running a Facebook contest to show your school spirit, with the winning school getting a Family Fun Night. Please like their Facebook page and vote for Grady through February 28th!!

Jump Rope for Heart is tomorrow, February 23rd! We urgently need volunteers, especially for the Kindergarten/McAlister group at 9 am and 5th Grade/Eveland group at 10 am. Please sign up for a 50 minute shift to help monitor stations (including hurdles, a bounce house and more), serve water and turn jump ropes for our kids during this very fun field day. To view the full schedule and sign up to volunteer, please click on Jump Rope For Heart volunteers.  

Friday is also the last day to bring in your box tops this year. Please submit your box top flyer or clear ziploc-style bag, with a maximum of 50 unexpired Box Tops per bag. Grady will receive 10 cents for every Box Top collected and submitted.  We need volunteers to sort and organize the Box Tops on Tuesday, February 27th from 8:00-8:30am. To volunteer, email Kat Cowley, Box Top Coordinator, at [email protected].  

Our Auction Night/Hoedown is coming up in just over a week!!! Buy your tickets today here. We have some amazing auction and raffle items available. Raffle tickets are being sold during drop off on February 26-March 2nd. Tickets are $1 each, $5 for 7 and $10 for 15. You can purchase the raffle tickets in cash or via credit card. You do not have to be present to win the raffle.


Here are some important upcoming dates to note:

  • 2/23 – Jump Rope for Heart & Last day to submit Box Tops
  • 2/27 – Volunteers are needed from 8:00-8:30 am to sort and organize Box Tops. Please meet in the Teacher’s Lounge. To volunteer, email Kat Cowley at [email protected].  

It will be a very fun night with a DJ, delicious food and drinks, and lots of great items to bid on including a birthday party at The Prep, a beach house rental at Indian Shores, 10 pack of CycleBar classes, and private QB lessons from an NFL quarterback!

All of the funds that we raise during Auction Night will help us continue to update our school’s technology and purchase more computers. Please come out to the Auction, have a great time and help us improve Grady’s technology. If you can’t attend, but would still like to donate, please go to our Auction Donation Page.

  • 3/12-16 – Spring Break (No School) 



Yearbooks are on sale! Make sure that you purchase your yearbook by March to insure that your child will have a yearbook for yearbook signing day. To buy a yearbook for your child, go to and use online code: 112045.

We need your pictures to include in our Yearbook! Parents, please send pictures of the following events to [email protected]: Holiday celebrations, K-3 field trips, Student of the Month, academic achievements and pictures from special classroom activities.

There is a limited amount of 5th grade ads still available on a first come, first serve basis. To buy a yearbook ad for your 5th grader, go to: Once you have purchased the ad, please send the pictures and text you would like included in the ad to [email protected].


After School Enrichment Clubs

March 9th is the last day of our Winter Session of After School Enrichment Clubs. The next session of clubs will begin on April 9th.  

ELP is scheduled to run on Wednesdays and Thursdays through April 5th.

Jump Rope for Heart is this Friday, February 23rd! We urgently need volunteers to sign up for a 50 minute shift to help monitor stations (including hurdles, a bounce house and more), serve water and turn jump ropes for our kids during this very fun field day. To view the full schedule and sign up to volunteer, please click on Jump Rope For Heart volunteers.  


We only have 3 more days to collect box tops this year! We would love to have each student turn in at least one completed box top flyer or one clear ziploc-style bag, with a maximum of 50 unexpired Box Tops per bag. Grady will receive 10 cents for every Box Top collected and submitted by Friday, February 23rd.


Our Auction Night/Hoedown is coming up in a week and a half!!! Buy your tickets today here for only $25 per person including 2 drink tickets. Remember, prices will go up to $30 per person with no drink tickets at the door. We have some amazing auction and raffle items available!! Click here to see some sample auction and raffle items. 


Raffle tickets are being sold during drop off next week from February 26-March 2nd. Tickets are $1 each, $5 for 7 and $10 for 15. You do not have to be present at the auction to win the raffle.


All of the funds raised during Auction Night will help us continue to update our school's technology and purchase more computers. Please come to the auction and enjoy a great night! If you can’t attend, but would still like to donate, please go to our Auction Donation Page

We are only 16 days away from Grady’s Adults only Auction and Hoedown on March 3rdThe Auction is from 6-10pm at the Christ the King Mary Martha Center.

Buy your tickets today at! Pre-sale tickets are only $25 per person and include delicious food and 2 drink tickets. The price will go up at the door - tickets will cost $30 per person and do not include any free drink tickets.

Raffle baskets will be available tonight at Conference Night, as well as February 26 – March 2nd during drop off. Tickets are $1 each, 7 for $5 or 15 for $10. You can buy raffle tickets even if you can’t attend Auction Night – you do not need to be present to win the raffle.

Raffle items include: a birthday party at Altitudes, basket of coffees and teas, wine and dine basket with 6 bottles of wine, $75 gift card to Acropolis, gift card to Mini Donut Factory and cheese knives with a serving chalkboard.

At Auction Night, we will have fantastic auction items including a birthday party at The Prep, a beach house rental at Indian Shores, 10 pack of CycleBar classes, and private QB lessons from an NFL quarterback! We also have amazing baskets donated by our classes.

To see more auction/raffle items, please click here

Don’t miss this opportunity to mingle with other Grady parents at this fun, relaxed event.  We will have a DJ, great food, drinks and lots of great items to bid on to help raise funds to upgrade the technology at our school!

We can’t wait to see you there!

Here are some important upcoming dates to note:

  • 2/9 – Non-Student Day (Florida State Fair Day)

  • 2/15 – Grady Conference Night – please ensure that you have signed up for a conference time with your teacher(s). The PTA is providing our hardworking teachers with dinner on Conference Night. We will also have a table set up where you can purchase your Auction Night tickets and sign up for PTA membership.

  • 2/23 - Jump Rope for Heart & Field Day – Jump Rope For Heart is a fun field day that has kids jumping rope, running and jumping over hurdles and bouncing in a bounce house.  In addition to fun, students will learn about heart health and the importance of a good diet. Today was our big kick off for Jump Rope For Heart! Our students received their fundraising packets and can begin their efforts to raise money for the American Heart Association. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Murrell at [email protected]

   We are in need of volunteers for Station Monitors, Water, Rope Turners and Clean Up on February 23rd. To volunteer for a 50        minute shift, please click on Jump Rope For Heart volunteers.  

  • 3/3 – Grady’s adult only Auction Night at Christ the KingClick here to purchase tickets for our very fun Country themed auction night for only $25 per person, which includes 2 free drink tickets. It will be a very fun night with a DJ, delicious food and drinks, and lots of great items to bid on including a birthday party at The Prep, a beach house rental at Indian Shores, 10 pack of CycleBar classes, and private QB lessons from an NFL quarterback!

   All of the funds that we raise during Auction Night will help us continue to update our school’s technology and purchase     more computers. Please come out to the Auction, have a great time and help us improve Grady’s technology. If you can’t        attend, but would still like to donate, please go to our Auction Donation Page.

Florida State Fair Art Display 

We invite everyone to come out and celebrate African-American History Month at the Florida State Fair. There will be amazing artwork on display by our Grady Tigers. The exhibit will be up February 8th-19th inside the Florida Center. Please come out to support our art program.



Yearbooks are on sale! Make sure that you purchase your yearbook by March to insure that your child will have a yearbook for yearbook signing day. To buy a yearbook for your child, go to and use online code: 112045.

We need your pictures to include in our Yearbook! Parents, please send pictures of the following events to [email protected]: Holiday celebrations, 4th grade heritage, 4th grade St. Augustine Field Trip, K-3 field trips, and pictures from special classroom activities.


Box Tops

Please help us make it another great box top year!  Clip and send in unexpired box tops in clear ziploc-style bags, with a maximum of 50 Box Tops per bag. Grady will receive 10 cents for every Box Top collected and submitted.  Please send in Box Tops between now and February 23, 2018.


Thank you again for all of your support!

Thank you, Grady Parents, Teachers and Partners!   Thanks to all of you our PTA has just purchased, and Grady Elementary will soon receive, 37 laptops on a portable laptop cart! 

The idea of the laptop cart is to make it easier for our school to deliver the newest technology to our students.  The laptop cart will allow the computers to go from classroom to classroom, so that the computers can be utilized by more students during a single school day. 

The computers will be used to teach the i-Ready computer-based curriculum.  The i-Ready program is a research-based, classroom-proven program that helps educators effectively address the diverse needs of every student.  The award-winning products include reading, mathematics, intervention, language arts, test prep, special education, early childhood, and more.  The laptops will also be used to facilitate student testing because more and more tests are being given on computers. 

We applaud our parents, teachers and our Tiger Partners, especially the Agazzi Family which donated $3,000 to this project.  We are also grateful to the administration for suggesting this purchase.  We are all helping to bring state-of the-art educational tools to our school.